Sick & Shut-In Ministry Greeting Card Sets

The Be Good Kids Studio
“All of us here are committed to doing what the Word tells us to do.”
Matthew 25:36
“I was naked and you clothed Me:
I was sick and you visited Me;
I was in prison and you came to Me.”
The Be Good Kids family is proud to offer free uplifting greeting cards to everyone to send to those who are sick and shut-in!
This series of cards consists of two sets of thoughtful greeting cards. You can choose from either Janie & Willie or Sally & Johnny, with six cards in each set.
There are hundreds of thousands of sick and shut-in indiviuals who are in hospitals, nursing homes, long-term facilities, or at home (young and older) with no family or friends to visit them. They may have had visitors for a while that slowly stopped coming.
These cards are designed to be sent one every two or three days, to your loved one. You may not be able to visit them in person; so sending them these Sick & Shut-In greeting cards will be like visiting them, and could spark a new relationship of corresponding.
A little time and thoughtfulness through a greeting card can make someone who is sick or shut-in feel better, brighten their day, and bring forth good memories that will not fade quickly.
“So many people need someone to show them some love.”
“Let them know someone cares and they are not forgotten.”
This is our characters’ way of being true to our mission: Promoting the Power of Being Good!
Easy as 1, 2, 3!! This special offer is available as a downloadable Adobe PDF file. All you need to do is:
1. Download the file for the special kid character (Janie & Willie or Sally & Johnny) you prefer by checking the appropriate “Click Here to Download” character file below;
2. Print the PDF file (8-1/2″ x 11″ sheet);
3. Fold the Sheet. Follow this link to view folding instructions: . You are now ready to put the card into an envelope and into the mail stream (with appropriate postage of course!).
Make your selection of the various character(s) and related daily series below.
Theme Cards – Janie & Willie (Click Here to Download)

Theme Cards – Sally & Johnnie (Click Here to Download)

Signage by Frederick Burton, L.L.C.
What we do: Greeting Cards; Note Cards; Books; Children’s Pre-School Curriculum.
Good Thought Productions, L.L.C.
P.O. Box 1291
Kernersville, NC 28285-1291
“Our Be Good Kids represent the good in all of us – which in turn allows you to see the good in everyone.”